VIDEO: Fox’s News Reports Has Meltdown Over Trump Twitter!

Dear sweet mother this is delicious! Of course twitter always wins!   Watch as Fox News’s phony John Roberts has a total meltdown 👇 — Jews For Trump (@jewsfortrump) October 1, 2020 Actually footage of John Roberts after his tv meltdown! — Tiffany (@tiff706) October 1, 2020

Segregation is Back In Style at U of M.

The University of Michigan has become an embarrassment. Forget the stupid decision to cancel the football season to make a political statement and to attempt to swing the Presidential election.  Don’t mention the GA’s are striking because they don’t want to teach under the ridiculous pandemic protocols and try not to think about the RA […]

Big Ten Wants To Swing The Presidential Election

If you needed more evidence that the B1G’s decision to cancel football was political, check out this article from JUNE. Can the Big Ten swing a presidential election? Kevin Warren wants to find out! This is shameful conduct from the B1G.  It’s ok to encourage the athletes to vote, but shutting down the football season […]